Women Wearing Shoes:
After a woman was admitted to the hospital to wear skinny jeans, the media frenzy has seen a huge interest in the medical risks of some fashion trends. But the health risks of wearing tight clothing have not been discovered recently. The effective results of staying in trend can be traced back many centuries, especially the Chinese tradition of foot binding, where lifelong suffering was the price of beauty. This recent case of thinning genes as a result of Companion Syndrome can be considered a rare case. Yet the physical consequences of these four trends will surely leave a mark not only in the history of fashion trends but also in medical research.1. Jiggings:
A unique fashion trends in the 21st century, Jaggings has been around since 2010. It's a very tight-fitting style that comes from the combination of jeans and leggings. Jagging not only comes with health warnings, but also because of their flawless and restless design, they have been called the "hell trend".
Often seen as a fashion fox pass, jigs are banned in schools, due to their inappropriate - perhaps uncivilized nature. On another serious note, though, they have been found to be hard to block air circulation in the crotch area, leading to a record increase in yeast infections.
2. Corset:
Cultural and fashion trends historian Valerie Steele has called the corset the most controversial garment in fashion history. The desire to have a small waist is so painful that this supposed "source of pain" has really reached those who wear it. An example of this trend is Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind, which clung to the frame of a bed as her corset straps tightened.
Steele's study with medical researchers found that wearing tight corsets reduced lung capacity, internal organs and even skeletal defects. Yet the myths have also tarnished the reputation of the corset: there is no evidence that women got smaller rooms sixteen or thirteen inches long or removed the ribs to fit the dress better.
3. Large size 'this' bag:
In 2012, Carl Ledgerfield launched Chanel's big hola hoop handbags on the catwalk, creating a trend in the mainstream fashion of big handbags.
Consequences of using heavy handbags include increased back pain, dramatic changes in fat and posture, and in some cases headaches. With an average weight of 6.2 kg, these bags can have long lasting effects due to arthritis and disc herniation.
It's not just about the size and weight of the bags - apparently, how important you are, as experts advise against carrying them on bent elbows.
4. Stilettos:
It is a thin metal heel with high heels. She entered the fashion trends market in the 1950's when she was celebrating her femininity and renewing her independence in the post-war era. Like the corset, the stiletto pushes the body into an unnatural position, between the tendency to be bound and oppressed and its pain. Podiatrists permanently inflame the heels permanently for this significant damage to clothing. This kind of height not only affects the currency and the movement. Research shows that it can change the structure of muscles and tendons.